What will you get from learning with Medu’s Lung auscultation course?
- a solid repetition of the most important information on respiratory physiology - who has not forgotten some information over the years?
- you will understand why particular respiratory phenomena occur
- you will learn the correct management of respiratory sounds - are you sure you know what a patient with severe obstruction presents by auscultation?
- nearly 400 recordings from real patients, allowing you to hear breath sounds in their "natural environment"
- the ability to auscultate the patient correctly - a skill that will be useful not only during your studies, but also in your first independent moments at work ;)
Did you know that only 24.1% of students recognise breath sounds? Interestingly, even for pulmonologists, the percentage of correct answers is 36.5%.[source]
Module 1: Lung auscultation
- Intro
- Construction of the stethoscope
- Anatomy of respiratory tract
- Physiology of breathing
- Auscultation technique
Module 2: Respiratory sounds
- Normal breath sounds
- Wheezes
- Rhonchi
- Coarse crackles
- Fine crackles
- Pleural rub